Let us look back!

As this Topic is rather broad, I feel that many people interpreted it differently and raised many arguments and valid points. I felt that it was a very good topic to end this module with!

Pearlyn brought up the issue of developing countries wanting free information online. I have raised a few questions from this as I felt that under developed countries are not progressive enough to incorporate the Internet into their daily lives because

  1. The Internet is not readily available to them
  2. They might not be very literate in the computer/Internet.

And apart from under developed countries, can we start free information on the Internet for educational purposes to eliminate formal education itself? It is not possible as articles are merely articles to SUPPORT formal education. Not the source of education.

Clinton’s post definitely made me think, why are we questioning paying for content online? We can pay 13 dollars to go the cinemas but we choose to avoid paying any money at all when it comes to watching movies online. This is a marketing question actually, and the answer is plainly simple. We pay for the experience. We do not pay for the content actually. So I think we should all look at this and start to pay for content.

We have to pay a reasonable amount as well. This means we cannot be the main source of revenue for content providers online. Linking back to my post, Youtube pays their providers handsomely, as they earn revenue from advertising as well. So, if Youtube were to start to ask us to pay a fixed amount every month just to enjoy watching these providers, for a reasonable price, why not? I would pay, given the reasonable price as I have already liked the content provided.

Just for fun guys, this video explains how much a Youtuber can make per video! Check it out 😀 Look at 2:23 onwards!

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